Friday, December 4, 2009

Get quick specific facts from Wolfram Alpha

You use a search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc) to look for information. The search engine gives you links related to your search input and you go through them to see if you can hit on exactly what you want. This works very well most of the time. But sometimes you just need specific answers not links. Lets say you want some quick facts about the sodium sulfide. You could punch it into Google or bing and get a list of links which require further checking to get what you want, or you could enter your search into Wolfram Alpha and get specific summary about sodium sulfide. Click here to see what I mean (this will actually execute the search in wolfram alpha).

Wolfram Alpha is an answer engine unlike search engines like Google and Bing. If you use firefox, there is an addon that allows you to get Wolfram Alpha results within a google search. You can find it here.


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